# | README file for | | ELSA Windows 95/98 Driver Disk, ver | | ERAZOR II | | Copyright (c) 1994-98 ELSA AG, Aachen (Germany) | | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de | Sonnenweg 11 LocalWeb : +49-(0)241-938800 | D-52070 Aachen | | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 2231 Calle De Luna | Santa Clara, CA 95054 | USA | | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5 | Nanking East Road | Taipei 105 | Taiwan, R. O. C. | | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | Mita Suzuki Building 3F | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku | Tokyo 108-0014 | Japan | | 12/04/98, MWolf/MKreiten Contents 1. Overview 2. Contents 3. Installation 4. History 5. Release Notes 6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Overview This CD contains the ELSA Display Driver for Microsoft Windows 95/98. The driver supports 256, 65536 and 16 Million colors in all resolutions available on used ELSA board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Contents This directory contains the following files: README.TXT the file you currently look at LIESMICH.TXT german version of README VERSION.TXT Version info about driver and tools ELSAEIID.CAB display driver file for ERAZOR II ELSAVE3D.CAB Property page ELSA 3D Settings WINMAN.CAB Property page ELSA Settings ELSAEII.INF Installation file for driver and tools In case of trouble during or after installation, please make sure you have all the files mentioned above! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Installation 3.1 First installation of ELSA Display Driver First install Windows 95/98 without special drivers for the ELSA graphics board. The installation procedure should find a PCI VGA-compatible display adapter and ask for a "Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer". - Push the "OK"-button - "Copy manufacturer's files from:" CD-Drive: this directory (e.g.: E:\ERAZOR II\WIN95) The neccessary files will be copy and Windows 95/98 asks for restart. - Push the "Yes"-button Normally you need to boot your system. Push the button "Restart now". 3.2 Manuell installation of ELSA Display Driver under Windows 95 - Start the dialog "Properties for Display" by clicking right mouse button on the desktop or select per Control Panel -> "Display". - Select the Property Page "Settings" - Click on "Advanced Properties" - Push the button "Change...". A dialog "Select Device" will pop up. - Push the button "Have Disk..." and "Browse..." - change to the 'drivers' directory on the WINNERware CD. - Select your ELSA display adapter in the "Devices" list. - Close the dialog "Select device". At this time the screen may flicker for a moment. This is not a bug! Windows is trying to find out, which graphics modes are available with this driver. - Please answer the following questions with "OK" or "Apply" and reboot the system. - Now you can select resolution and color depth in the main dialog "Properties for Display". For the first installation you should select 1024x768 in HiColor. This configuration is available for all memory configurations on all ELSA Boards. - Close "Properties for Display" by "OK" or "Apply After the restart the configuration of the ELSA display adapter driver starts from the Windows desktop. - Start the dialog "Properties for Display" by clicking right mouse button on the desktop or per Control Panel -> Display. - Select the Property Page "Settings" or "ELSA Settings". - Property Page Settings: Standard-Windows-Dialog for changing resolution, color depth and font size. - Property Page ELSA Settings: ELSA Settings gives you full control to configure your ELSA display adapter perfectly. You can change resolution, color depth and refresh rate. Manuell installation of ELSA Display Driver under Windows 98 - Start the dialog "Display Properties" by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop or select per Control Panel -> "Display". - Select the Property Page "Settings" and than select "advanced" , "Adapter" - "Change". - The "Update Device Driver Wizard" starts and helps you through the installation procedure for the new graphics boards display driver. Select "Next" - In this dialog push the first checkbox push the "Next" button check "Specify a location" and change to the WIN9x directory on the WINNERware CD for your ERAZOR II board. - Press "OK" or "Apply" to install the specified driver. - If you use an ELSA monitor, make the same procedure for "Monitor Type" in the "Monitor" dialog. - Close the "Display Properties" dialog. At this time the screen flickers a moment. This is not a bug! Windows tries to find out, which graphics modes are available with this driver. - Now you can select resolution and color depth in the main dialog "Display Properties". For the first installation you should select 1024x768 and 256 colors. This configuration is available for all memory configurations on all ELSA Boards. - Close "Display Properties" by "OK" or "Apply". After the restart the configuration of the ELSA display adapter driver starts from the Windows desktop. - Start the dialog "Display Properties" by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop or per Control Panel -> Display. - Select the "Advanced" "Settings" or "ELSA Settings". - Property Page Settings: Standard-Windows-Dialog for changing resolution, color depth and font size. - Property Page "ELSA Settings": "ELSA Settings" gives you full control to configure your ELSA display adapter perfectly. You can change resolution, color depth and refresh rate. Normally you need to boot your system. Push the button "Restart now". In all following Windows sessions you can change the resolution without rebooting your system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Revision History This section describes changes to the previous releases of this disk. Version - first released version Version - Bugfix for e.g. Need for Speed 3, Powermanagment Version - implementation of capabilities to define new timings by the ELSA Settings - enhanced 3D Settings Version - optimized implementation of capabilities to define new timings by the ELSA Settings. Version - better Performance - optimized 3D capabilities - some minor fixes if using with older Pentium systems - optimized performance on systems with ALI V chipsets Version - ECO - MODE bug fixed - newer version of "ELSA Settings" integrated - Unreal -- several visual artifacts are corrected - Descent3 demo -- texture problems are corrected - Rogue Squadron - W-buffering problems are corrected. - 3DStudio MAX 2.0 and higher - significant changes in terms of look and performance. - Caligari TrueSpace 4.0 occasional crashes fixed - Solidoworks 98 fixes some rendering anomolies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Release notes 5.1 DirectDraw/Direct3D support The display driver do support DirectDraw/Direct3D from DirectX 5/6, but to use it in an application, you must install DirectDraw/Direct3D. The Microsoft DirectDraw/Direct3D components are not included in the standard retail version of Windows 95. You need an installation of DirectX 5/6. To install DirectDraw/Direct3D use the CDSETUP from your ERAZOR CD or start the DXSETUP.EXE in the folder: Drive:\Winware\MSAPPS\DIRECTX5\directx oe better: - the DX6core.exe in: Drive:\Winware\MSAPPS\DIRECTX6\WIN98 - and for Windows95 the DX6xxx.exe in: Drive:\Winware\MSAPPS\DIRECTX6\WIN95\DE Drive:\.....\DE for the german version of Windows 95 Drive:\.....\FR for the french version of Windows 95 Drive:\.....\EN for the englich version of Windows 95 5.2 AGP and Windows 95/98 AGP is supported only by the Windows version OSR-2.1 or higher. This is available after upgrading a Windows 95b (OSR2) version by the USB-Update 'USBSUPP.EXE'. The version number of your installed Windows can be found in the registry under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Version and VersionNumber. The Entries for OSR-2.1 are: Version "Windows95" VersionNumber "4.03.1212" or "4.03.1214" If your mainboard has no Intel chipset it may be necessary to install a chipset specific software patch to get best support and performance using the AGP port. Normally this patch should be delivered on CD with your system or mainboard. Otherwise you may get the newest patches on the internetsites of the chipset vendors. Other chipset vendors are, e.g.: VIA, SIS, ALI. http://www.via.com.tw/ http://www.sis.com.tw/ http://www.ali.com.tw/ If you have any questions about full AGP support on non Intel mainboards please consult your distributor. 5.3 Free defineable refreshrates (monitor timings) It is neccessary to install and use the specified INF - file delivered with your monitor. For information about to install please look above or use the windows documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes This section documents known anomalies or problems and gives hints on work arounds. - for maximum performance the AntiAliasing checkbox in: Display Properties - Settings - Advanced - 3D Settings - More 3D, should be set to "Disable" - If you install the ELSA Display Driver over an nVIDIA Display Driver, the key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT will not actualised. Replace "nv3ogl.dll" with "ELSAEIIO.DLL" - Do not use "Custom Direct3D Settings" -names with more than twenty characters in the "3D-Settings" property tabs. Some failures may occure while using WINMANSuite. - Task switching while 3D applications are active leads to corruption of textures in some cases - The DirectDraw resolution 480x360 works with too low frequency for most monitors. Please take a look at 5.3. - OpenGL screen savers oftenly crash if an additional suspend is executed by the system or manually. - Switching VESA modes to windowed mode (normaly an error pops up) leads to system crash - Windows suspend during active 3D applications may cause system crash in Windows 95 - For best display quality, in the 'More Direct3D' section of 3D Settings Texel Alignment should be set to "upper left corner". - Mouse trails are not displayed, because the Riva chip accelerates this Windows functionality in hardware - The X-Demo benchmark by EGOSOFT shows anomalies under Windows 98 in the upper- and lower part of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------